Custom Cutter — Guillotine — Custommm length x Custommm thick — Serial CUST-CUT

SKU: CUST-CUT Categories: ,


Price (exc GST): P.O.A.
Blade length: Custom(mm)
Cuts mild steel thickness maximum: Custom(mm)
Cuts stainless steel thickness maximum: Custom(mm)
Cuts aluminium thickness maximum: Custom(mm)
Cuts composite thickness maximum: Custom(mm)
Cuts diamond grill thickness maximum: Custom(mm)

We design and manufacture guillotines and folders custom made – you tell us your specific requirements and we’ll produce a machine which will optimize your production needs. We also supply the necessary service, advice and spare parts. Guillotine replacement blades up to 3m are kept in stock.

Machine specifications

Length: Custommm
Width: Custommm
Height: Custommm
Weight: Custommm

Power: Custom
Phase: Custom
Notes: Single Phase or Three Phase machines can be built with different power supplies upon request but this will slightly change characteristics of the machine running speed and price. Where the power supply is marked as optional means there is no difference in performance or price whether using Single Phase or Three Phase power.

All cutters can do Diamond Grill and Composite guillotine but must know before ordering machine because of clamp size.

Keech Engineering
Unit 1, 40 Charles St
St Marys NSW 2760

Tel/Fax: 02 9673 4660

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